How do you know?

How do you know?

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Don Monistere, I am the President of General Informatics and my wife and I pictured on the right are originally from Louisiana and of course are die hard LSU fans. But this blog is about something entirely different. When I first met Nick, I knew he had IT! No, not Information Technology, the industry that I have worked in for the past 30 years. He had it! Where did it come from? His walk, his talk, he walks into a room as if everyone is waiting for him to show up. Not in a selfish way or so cocky that you can’t stand to be around him (that is reserved fore me) I digress. Nick has the confidence that good upbringing, sports and living the kind of life where nothing is handed to you. I new I was going to hire him and when he asked me to be a guest blogger […]