That’s the Point!

So I am talking to my boss about this crazy idea about starting to blog and I said to him “man, I am not really good at writing stuff, I can field the heck out of a ground ball, but writing doesn’t come natural.”

Well, he looked at me with this look, one that I am sure that I will get about a thousand more times as I learn everything I can from him. He said “Well dang Morgan, isn’t that the point? to constantly improve, to constantly set higher and higher standards for yourself? Shouldn’t you wake up tomorrow and try and be 1% better than you were yesterday? Or…. you can just keep avoiding hard stuff and be comfortable knowing you are no better than you were last week! Do what you want bro!” and then he just smiled!

This dude totally has my number! He knows how to motivate – so here I am.. a blogger. Would of bet you a million dollars I would never say that (or write it) So, yall be patient with me and know that as I learn and grow, I will write about it and if it resonates with you feel free to comment or shoot me an email. Would love to hear from you!